Energy reading
“Unlocking the magic of the universe”

If you need some questions answered, then you need clear sight – trust yourself to ask what you need to know.
INSIGHT is an energy reading made using extra sensory perception to connect and channel information from source and your guides. It has a simple structure of 3 questions to be asked and answered in relation to areas in life you wish to unblock, for example health, love or interpersonal or work issues. There is also the beautiful opportunity of connecting to people who have passed over.
This reading can also be combined with a full reading of chakras (energy centres), aura (energy field), soul and any past life residue. It also provides information on energy blocks and how to release them using specific exercises or rituals.
Reading of the future is not an option.
Click here to find out more or book a session
How does it work?
First, prepare 3 questions.
Readings are always done remotely, on line. In an introductory video call, the 3 questions are outlined.
At a later stage, I connect to the source to receive the information requested and a future meeting, for passing back the information to the client, is then arranged. It’s curious that long distance readings are often more powerful than when done face to face.
The clients are made aware of any blockages or imbalance in their system / chakras (energy centres), or aura (energy field) and informed on how to remove them. Readings can provide fascinating information that resonates at a profound level of consciousness – like somebody giving us the key to unlock certain areas of ourselves. Its a knowledge, at either spiritual, emotional or cellular level, we had forgotten we had.
Your guides will not allow access to information that is not suitable for you to receive.
Depending on the questions asked, some of the benefits may include,
♥ Cleansing of blocked relationships
♥ Improved self esteem and motivation
♥ Clarity of life purpose
♥ Deeper understanding and connection to oneself
♥ Healing of grief and ease of tension or guilt from the loss of loved ones